Thursday, June 18, 2009

GiRlS cAmP

I had soooo much fun at girls camp. It was such a different experience from being a young women 15 years ago. It was a learning experience. Thank goodness there was a albertsons 10 min. away. I can't wait til ward girls camp come again, in two years. (every other year is stake camp) I don't think stake camp will be nearly as fun for me, but it will definitely be a lot easier.

Isaac the artist

Isaac loves to draw, color, and cut and paste. He made this cute little duck for me and the tree for Jeremy. His bedroom wall and my bedroom door are covered in Isaac art.

Monday, June 15, 2009

I made my sister a baby blanket

My sister Bailey just had a little baby boy, Maddox. She's the man. She went all natural (on purpose) WoW!

My sister Jillian is having a baby in Aug. It's her first and I'm so happy for both of them. The blanket is actually for Jillian. I'd be to nervous to make Bailey anything. (Unless you like it. I can always make you one too.)

I can't believe how many nieces and nephews I have.

My friend Niki has a blanket like this. Every time I visit and see the blanket and I wish I had a reason to make one, so tu-du.

Saturday, June 06, 2009

ScHoOl'S oUt

What am I going to do this summer? Three kids!!!! All summer!!! Well, girls camp is next week, so that's one week I done have to worry about. The kids will have a girl in the stake watching them. I'm really looking forward to girls camp. It will be so great to be with my other counselors and my girls all week. We had to switch camp sites last minute. The new place is a little more money, so our budget is really stretched. I tried to use my couponing skills as much a possible to help with the meals.

The kids set up a snow cone stand:) They were giving them away FREE. I think it's so cute that they went through all that work and it was fun enough they didn't need to get paid. Someone driving by did give them a dollar. I think they were putting 4x as much syrup in the snowcones than it called for, but I guess that sounds good to little kids.

This week has been stressful enough with it being the last week of school, and girls camp prep. Thank goodness I wasn't having to worry about Jackson and surgery.

Thank you for all your prayers for him. Prayer really works. I've seen it work too much to doubt.

Friday, June 05, 2009

JaCkSoN's OK

Jackson's head has gotten better on it's own so his surgeon cancelled his surgery. We feel so blessed to not have to have surgery again. I did cut his hair in preperation for the surgery. I think it looks cute. We've had a lot of questions about his head, because you can see his scare really good with his hair cut.