Friday, August 27, 2010

computer trouble

I've been having some problems with my computer lately. Maybe a week ago I got an email that had a virus. I didn't even open it. But I guess that doesn't matter. My computer started getting slower and slower, til it was impossible to do anything. Than Jeremy and I started getting calls from all of you wondering if I'd been mugged and was now stuck in the U.K.:) Which I am happy to say, I'm not in England and I have not been mugged. So, Jeremy got on my email at work and noticed all my contacts had been erased. Someone was still emailing people from my account and had also gotten on my face book account and changed my password. So I still can't get on my face book. It's been frozen for suspicious activity. Apparently they would be chatting on face book also. So I've changed my email account and closed my old account. And my face book account is hopefully still frozen so they can't chat to all my friends and family asking for money. What a hassle. What jerks would spend so much time trying to be so rotten? Hopefully everything is fixed. I'll have to make some phone calls to get all my contacts back on my new account.

Thanks for all the calls of concern.


Heidi said...

I was totally shocked to see those emails, I'm just glad that even though it is a hassle to change those things, that you are ok and hopefully its easy enough to fix. We sure miss you guys!