Saturday, February 05, 2011


So for family and friends who aren't in Dallas, you may not know that we have been snowed in since Tuesday. School was cancelled Tues-Fri. and Saturday Stake Conference was just cancelled. The Super Bowl is here in Dallas. Snow snow and ice has cause some problems with super bowl stuff.

It's been nice having Jeremy home so much lately. We painted our guest room finally and have it all set up. Today we finally got out and went to the gym and played for a while.

The kids have watched a lot of T.V. and played the Wii and have been on the computer way too much. It was nice to get out and play. The snow is supposed to melt today and tomorrow, but then it's supposed to snow again Tues!


Jillian said...

That is so crazy. It's been pretty cold here too, not nearly as much snow though. did you hear about the northeast? Biggest storm in decades! But there are some up sides to it, Fun for the kids i'm sure. I'm going crazy not being able to take Joseph outside because I get too stinkin' cold!!!!

Anonymous said...

It's called Cabin Fever! I have it too:D I never thought you would have snow and we wouldn't! I heard 30 some Zoo animals died in northern Mexico. If you are going to have snow you might as well live here!!!!Mom

KendalL said...

Ok so this snow better be gone in 3 weeks when I come down again. If not I guess Ill be going to Hawaii!!! Thanks for painting the guest room and getting it all set up for us! :) especially since we keep coming every month!